lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013

Interview to Saponara.


Saponara: "It's great to see Kakà here. He has always been my idol and I can learn a lot from him."

Interview with Milan midfielder Riccardo Saponara to Milan Channel. 

We're a good group, both on a personal and a footballing level. I feel a part of this group, and I've felt that right from the start, even though I haven’t been training often with the team. I’m trying to get back into shape. The pain is diminishing and I'm very optimistic. Serie A and B are different and Milan is different to Empoli but I'm settling in well and my team mates are helping a lot with that. You need to have a lot of self-confidence - and I'm not lacking that. We have a good squad with a low average age, but our technical values are still very high." 

"The friendly match against Chiasso? I felt well in the position I played in the match - the trequartista. It's always nice to score, and it always increases your self-confidence. Which position I prefer to play? The role as trequartista is the one where I have gotten the most out of my qualities, but in any case, I'm at the coach's disposal, and he decides who gets to play where." 

"The signing of Kakà is very important. I’m sure he still has a lot to give to this team and to us youngsters. It's a great feeling to see him here, and he has always been my idol, so therefore I observe every little gesture and movement that he makes. I can learn a lot from him." 

"Massimiliano Allegri is a good coach, but I haven't talked a lot with him because I haven't been training much with the squad. I missed the entire preparation for the season, so I need a bit of time to get back into top shape, but the important thing is that the pain is diminishing." 

"If I'm like El Shaarawy? I would like to follow the same path as he did. I'm optimistic and convinced that I can have a good season. I will try to do the best when I get the chance."

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